How Pet Dental Health Affects Overall Health

Animal dentistry is about more than regular teeth cleaning, remedying bad breath, preventing tooth decay and damage. Proper pet dentistry is essential to preserving a pet’s overall health, because these infections can affect other bodily systems. Infections allow bacteria to enter the bloodstream and infect the kidney, heart, liver, or any other organs. They can even cause bone abscesses and jaw fractures if they are let go too long. Common pet dental infections can become extremely painful and eventually lead to tooth loss.

Why Veterinary Dentistry is Needed Even if Your Pet Shows No Pain

Because they evolved this way from avoiding becoming prey to predators in the wild, animals instinctively hide their pain, even extreme oral pain. Often, our pets will continue to act and eat totally normally because not eating is a poor survival strategy and love eating too much – so they will hide excruciating pain that would cause us humans to cry and whimper for relief.

When to Seek Pet Dentistry

We recommend regular dentist exams for each year when your pet is young, and every six months when aged nine or older. In addition, if there are specific dentistry concerns, such as bad breath, professional pet cleaning procedures should be done yearly by experienced, professional vets or a licensed pet dentist. We are devoted to making sure your pets get the absolute best in animal dentistry care.

Services We Provide

  • Teeth cleaning (polishing and fluoride)
  • Full pet dentistry examinations
  • Dental x-rays
  • Ultrasonic scaling
  • Sub-gingival curetting
  • Surgery to remove damaged or abscessed teeth
  • Specialty foods and guidance proven to help with control plaque and tartar