Furry family members mean almost as much to you as their human counterparts – if not just as much. Why wouldn’t you, therefore, give them all the same tools to live long, stay strong and experience maximum health?

Of course you would, and vaccines are an inescapable part of any pet health plan. They help animals fight disease before it takes hold, and keep pet populations as a whole, safe from infection.

Your pet needs “core” vaccines and may need “non-core” vaccines. Core vaccines for dogs include canine parvovirus, canine distemper, infectious canine hepatitis and rabies. Core inoculations for cats include feline panleukopenia, feline calicivirus, feline rhinotracheitis and rabies. Depending on your individual dog or cat, we may recommend other vaccines or alternative options as well. For instance, if your cat is at risk of developing feline leukemia, your vet may advise a vaccine to help combat the chance.

We will put together a customized vaccination program for you and your pet, suitable to your budget, and provide your pet with the protection they need based on exposure, risk, and their lifestyle with you.

To enhance your furry companion’s quality of life, we also provide an extensive list of preventive services. We will be happy to go over these programs with you and thoroughly explain them to you.